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  • Safe Upgrade Kids Stand Stool - Features improved the folding bar, which can prevent from collapse inward while standing on it.  It has designed a safety stop gap feature that allows the foldable stool to prevent being squashed, great for kids.  Four round corner super safe protect your body from clashing. All of this design is put your kids safe first.
  • This step stool save your closet space more than 90% when it folded up. It can be quickly and easily folded away for convenient storage.  You can also hides them in corner at home because it's so compact.
  •  A great folding stool for in the kitchen & bathroom. 
  • Carry this quick-fold step stool wherever you go, it's convenient to carry.  



  1. 四角止滑墊設計,抓地力強乘座更安全。 
  2. 收納不佔空間,可放後車廂、櫃子夾縫。
  3. 戶外室內都適用,露營、野餐、釣魚好幫手。
  4. 承重可達100公斤,大人小孩都適用。

#805226 PLASTIC FOLDING STOOL-GREEN/BLUE/S 塑膠摺叠式椅/矮板凳-綠色/藍色

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