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  • FDA approved and recognized as safe to use in the food industry
  • GLASSLOCK delivers the flexibility of using it for the microwave, freezer, dishwasher, and oven. Odor-free, stain-proof, and air+liquid resistant, the easy latching lids bring more convenience in storing your food
  • GLASSLOCK comes in different sizes and types to meet your everyday needs. The transparent and clear glass design makes it convenient to identify the content and will look great in any kitchen.
  • GLASSLOCK is made of silica, soda ash, limestone and other natural components, making it eco-friendly and recyclable. It is BPA free and does not contain any harmful environmental hormones.



  1. 容量約為一般小碗,可裝入奶粉或顆粒狀食物,或當小小朋友的便當盒 ! 圓滑精巧造型,清洗、攜帶都方便!
  2. 耐瞬間溫差攝氏120度
  3. 可微波加熱
  4. 耐衝擊不易破裂
  5. 真正環保可回收
  6. 100%韓國原裝進口
  7. 適用於微波爐/蒸鍋/冰箱/洗碗機



  1. 微波爐或蒸鍋(需隔水加熱)加熱時,請移除上蓋
  2. 洗滌時,請以海綿及柔性洗碗精清潔,切勿使用粗粒菜瓜布,以免產生刮痕
  3. 本產品不適用於烤箱及直火加熱
  4. 請盡可能以加蓋方式堆疊保鮮盒,如須不加蓋收納時,請務必以餐巾紙完全墊隔玻璃本體後,再堆疊並勿堆疊不同型號之保鮮盒或直接倚靠,碰撞玻璃盒身,以免保鮮盒互相碰損
  5. 使用於洗碗機時,請設定低溫模式並避免過於靠近出風口,以免上蓋變形或損壞
  6. 確保使用年限,由冷凍庫取出後,請至少自然解凍10分鐘後再加熱,裝盛液體或流質食物放置於冷凍庫時請勿超過8分滿,以免造成潛藏的破裂可能
  7. 請勿加熱高油脂含量或以鋁箔紙包覆的食物,亦勿微波加熱空的或僅裝少量食物的保鮮盒,以免造成潛在的破裂風險
  8. 請勿以利刃的保鮮盒內切取食物,以免保鮮盒受損
  9. 使用前請仔細檢查是否有刮傷或裂痕,使用時請避免保鮮盒掉落,破撞擊刮傷如有刮傷及裂痕請勿再使用,以免保鮮盒破裂或在日後破裂

#RP-525 GLASS LOCK (ROUND) - 400ML 強化玻璃微波保鮮盒-圓形

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